Become A Community Organizer

The Unitist is a built from the ground up effort.  Meaning that we are starting with no budget, no marketing, no public recognition, and practically no voice.  Yet, we feel the message is extremely important.  It is a message that many of us carry within  us, and that we are all wondering what we can do to get it out!

As you and we all strive to unite our communities through various efforts, either associated with this project or other worthy projects, we need your help desperately!  


Help Us Get The Message Out

Are you wondering how you can make a difference?  Are you dismayed by the lack of unity in your community and filled with a desire to help others discover greater love for one another?  There is something you can do to make a difference!

We need volunteer community organizers!  Who spend a certain number of volunteer hours each week reaching out to community influences and asking them to share these resources with their audiences.

  • You will email churches, clubs, and organizations in your local area and ask them share our resources with their members and followers.
  • You will contact news media in your local area and ask them to consider running stories about our movement.
  • You will reach out and invite groups to use our resources directly with their members, such as by co-branding our courses (for free) and offering them directly to their members and followers.
  • You will contact local libraries, churches, and universities, and encourage them to consider starting clubs and organizations that are focused on building unity.

The amount of time you spend each week is entirely up to you.  Your efforts can make a big difference to help bring your community closer together!

Please tell us more about you and your commitment to serve. Include your location, how much time you are able to spend each week, and why you want to participate in this work.