The Unitist Inc is a 501.c.3 organized in West Virginia, USA. Our mission is to promote the ideals of unity, empathy, respect, trust, grace, intellectual honesty and scientific thinking to as many people as we possibly can. This means seeking out volunteers, donations, and partnerships. Where we do anything and everything possible to promote these values, irrespective of who gets credit. We understand that you change the world one conversation at a time. Our mission is to promote these conversations, and to get a seat at as many tables as possible. To teach people that it is more important to be nice than to be right, and that it isn’t the left versus the right, but those who unite versus those who divide.
If this mission speaks to your soul, then please consider helping us. We need volunteers, as well as donations. There is a lot of work to do, and the work is time consuming and expensive. Please consider helping us as we do our very best to continue moving forward.