Creating A Framework For Social Media Interactions

Assignment 4: Construct A Social Media Post

And just like that…

You have finished another section of this course.  You are moving right along!  Being all successful and stuff!  We are so proud of you!  It’s time for your next assignment.


Remember, writing things down helps you organize your thoughts, and remember what you have learned.


This is the part where you get to take what we have presented to you, and decide what you agree with and what you disagree with.  More importantly, this is where you get to take the things that we have learned, and make them your own.  Give them your own spin!  Apply them in ways that we hadn’t thought of!


We highly recommend that you not skip this step!



Constructed Social Media Post


Open a blank document somewhere.  This can be on Google Drive, on your computer, or anywhere else where you save important files.  Construct a social media post.  You don’t have to actually post it online, but you can if you really want to.  The main thing is just that you write your thoughts down somewhere and save them for later.  So that you can look at these thoughts again when you complete this course.


Your post should include the following components:

  • Explain to your followers how you view and deal with others who have differing views from your own.
  • Explain to your followers what empathy is.  Assume that they do not know anything about empathy.  Write your explanation in enough details so that they will understand how to apply empathy to those whom they interact with.
  • Explain to your followers what you personally value more.  Being right, or being kind.  Tell them why you feel the way you do.



You will not submit this assignment to us.  This is just for your own personal records.