Being Open Minded And Self-Reflective
Intellectual Honesty
Seeing Things From Someone Else's Perspective
How I Feel When I Engage In Social Media
Creating My Own Framework For Interacting With Others On Social Media
Humble Bragging
“I just did something so selfless. Not going to say what it was, because that would defeat the purpose. It was hard, but so worth it! #doingTheRightThing”
“I can’t believe they let me into this college! Don’t they know how dumb I am? #MyLuckyDay”
“I can’t believe how lazy I have been today! I only went to the gym, did four hours of homework, went to my full time job, and spent three hours volunteering. Hopefully tomorrow I will do better! #FeelingLazy”
Ah humble bragging! Such an art form! And totally one of the best ways to show off while still convincing ourselves that we are down to earth!
What Is Humble Bragging
Humble bragging can take a few different forms, but it basically comes down to posting something that on its surface sounds humble but that is actually designed to bring attention to the poster. A humble brag can also be phrased in the form of a complaint about something that the poster claims is pathetic on their part, but that most other people would find to be impressive. Another form of a humble brag is to to post pictures of events, or even your children, while showing off your new car, or some other material thing that you conveniently position in the background.
Part of the fun of social media is staying up to date on your friends and family. We all like to hear about the achievements of others. Including their new cars, their job promotions, their degrees, etc etc.
It is fun to celebrate others, and we can’t deny it! It is fun to be celebrated ourselves!! I mean come on! Don’t we all need a little recognition now and then!
However, it is usually best to be direct and straightforward in your search for praise, rather than to couch it in false humility. People typically see right through your false humility, and it can come off as obnoxious, and insincere. What can they say though about a direct and open post celebrating something that you have done!
“I did something good today. I am proud of myself! #doingTheRightThing”
“I am so proud of myself for getting accepted into college! I can’t wait to start! #MyLuckyDay”
“Today I went to the gym, did four hours of homework, went to my full time job, and spent three hours volunteering. I am so proud of myself! #FeelingUseful”
Which one are you going to respect more, if you are one of their followers? The person who insincerely requests your admiration, or the person who unabashedly asks you to celebrate their accomplishments with them?
Where Do You Stand On Humble Bragging?
You know what time it is! It’s time to play the “what do you think” game! Take a moment and honestly reflect on your own actions. Like the rest of us, you have probably humble bragged a time or two. So don’t feel bad. What matters is what you are going to do in the future! Are you going to be a humble bragger, a regular bragger, or a never bragger?
There are no wrong answers here! You decide who you want to be!