Creating A Framework For Social Media Interactions

Maintaining An Open Mind

Building a house is a very personal endeavor!  No one else can tell you the style, features, or size that is best for you!  Maybe you want a victorian library so that you can have fancy cucumber sandwich parties!  Maybe you want an indoor theater!  Maybe all you want is 300 sq ft of highly functional space!  What is right for you is right for you!  (Sounds kind of redundant, but we think it is true)


Building a personal framework for how you interact with others online is no different.  Maybe you want to be more boisterous and opinionated online.  Maybe you want to humble brag!  Perhaps you are content posting only pictures of your adorable pet tarantula!  Because… who doesn’t love when their newsfeed is filled with pictures of spiders!


The point is, that we recognize how personal this journey is for you.  We will not interfere in that process.  It is not our job to attempt to persuade you towards one extreme or the other.  Instead, we are only here to provide you with things to consider as you make up your own mind.


Making Up Your Own Mind Requires Openness To New Perspectives

While we will never attempt to persuade you, we will present you with thoughtful examples, perspectives, and ideas.  If you like something that we present, then you can add it to your framework.  If you don’t, then that is okay too!  We will get over it, eventually!!  We don’t hold grudges!

The point is that we all have very distinct roles in this journey.  Our job is to present ideas to you.  Your job is to thoughtfully consider them, then accept or reject them as you feel is best.

Think of us like an architect presenting you with blueprints.  If you don’t like our fancy victorian library, then you can choose not to add it to your house!