Being Open Minded And Self-Reflective
Seeing Things From Someone Else's Perspective
- An Introduction To Empathy
- Quiz 4
- What’s More Important? Being Nice Or Being Right?
- Celebrating Our Differences
- Compassion Versus Logic
- Science Versus Religion
- Examples of Showing Empathy 1
- Examples of Showing Empathy 2
- Examples of Showing Empathy 3
- Examples of Showing Empathy 4
- The Power of Understanding
- Assignment 3: Constructing A Journal Entry
Creating My Own Framework For Demonstrating Empathy
Creating Our Own Framework For Demonstrating Empathy
Assignment 1: Construct A Journal Entry
Time to take your first steps!
Alright my little blossoming empathy flower, it is time to start your journey towards the sunlight! Every seedling must someday break through the soil and starting stretching up towards the sky! Are you ready? Don’t worry! We will do it together!
And… GROW!
Whew! Good job! Now… KEEP GROWING!
The next part of your journey is a little more challenging. But not much! When you finish this course, you will have done something awesome. But how will you be able to judge what kind of progress you have made? This is why weight loss programs often encourage participants to take before and after pictures. So that they can remember where they started, and feel good about where they ended up.
We are all about feeling good!
It is time to take your before and after picture… well, we will save the after picture until the end of the journey… for now let’s just focus on the before picture!
Constructed Journal Entry
Open a blank document somewhere. This can be on Google Drive, on your computer, or anywhere else where you save important files. Construct a private journal entry. Where you will write down some of your thoughts and save them for later. So that you can look at these thoughts again when you complete this course.
Your journal entry should include the following components:
- What is your current understanding of empathy?
- Do you think empathy is important? Explain your reasons.
- What are your personal goals when it comes to being empathetic and compassionate?
You will not submit this assignment to us. This is just for your own personal records.