Being Open Minded And Self-Reflective
Seeing Things From Someone Else's Perspective
- An Introduction To Empathy
- Quiz 4
- What’s More Important? Being Nice Or Being Right?
- Celebrating Our Differences
- Compassion Versus Logic
- Science Versus Religion
- Examples of Showing Empathy 1
- Examples of Showing Empathy 2
- Examples of Showing Empathy 3
- Examples of Showing Empathy 4
- The Power of Understanding
- Assignment 3: Constructing A Journal Entry
Creating My Own Framework For Demonstrating Empathy
Creating Our Own Framework For Demonstrating Empathy
Being Self-Reflective
No one likes to admit that they put their shirt on inside out! But let’s be honest, sometimes all of us struggle with basic human skills! That’s because none of us are perfect.
And it is okay that you are not perfect! We are not judging. We aren’t perfect either!
Growing requires being honest with yourself. It requires recognizing where your faults are, and then working to become better! You don’t have to admit your faults to us! And you especially don’t have to admit them to your obnoxious brother-in-law, who is always judging you! You can just keep projecting perfection to him! But can we suggest that you strive to be honest with yourself.
Take a moment right now, and commit to telling yourself the truth! It may be a little uncomfortable, but uncomfortable is okay! If you need to grow a little bit, it’s no big deal! We all need to grow here and there. If we all need to grow (and we do) then you are just like the rest of us. What matters isn’t that you are perfect. What matters is that you are mature enough to recognize your faults, and that you are willing to strive to become a better person.
You will get more out of this journey if you are honest with yourself!