Developing Empathy For Others

Examples of Showing Empathy 2

Scenario # 2

Bella has recently moved to a new town, where her only friend, a boy named Jacob, goes to another school.  Bella is shy and doesn’t like being the center of attention.  However on her first day of school everyone else keeps staring at her.  All this attention makes Bella feel very uncomfortable (especially the attention paid to her by her lab partner in Biology… but we won’t go into that right now…)


Jessica, another young lady who attends the same high school absolutely loves being the center of attention.  Jessica cannot understand how Bella could possibly despise the limelight.  She is very envious of Bella, and doubts her sincerity.


Is Jessica wrong to doubt Bella’s sincerity? Why, or why not?

Remember that empathy is about seeing things from the perspective of others.  It is about appreciating their difficulties using their own measuring stick.  Something that Jessica enjoys may not be appealing to Bella.  To feel and show empathy, Jessica needs to try to look through Bella’s eyes.  So that she can appreciate how difficult and uncomfortable Bella feels in the public spotlight.  This would then allow her to sincerely and genuinely appreciate Bella’s suffering.



Remember that it isn’t about how hard or easy something is for you.  You have to set your own measuring tape aside.  It is about how hard or easy it is for them!