Being Open Minded And Self-Reflective
Intellectual Honesty
- What Is This Thing You Call Intellectual Honesty?
- Quiz 4
- Examples of Intellectual Honesty 1
- Examples of Intellectual Honesty 2
- Examples of Intellectual Honesty 3
- Examples of Intellectual Honesty 4
- Examples of Intellectual Honesty 5
- Examples of Intellectual Honesty 6
- Examples of Intellectual Honesty 7
- Section Wrap Up
- Assignment 3: Construct A Journal Entry
The Ways We Sometimes Deceive Ourselves
Creating My Own Framework For Intellectual Honesty
Applying Standards Equally To Both Sides
It is strangely paradoxical how easily we can see the faults in others, but not in ourselves. The genuine faults in those we dislike can stand out like a sore thumb. Yet we often remain oblivious to our own shortcomings. Why is that?
A common lie we tell ourselves comes in the form of holding other people to different standard than we hold ourselves to. Which results in our taking offense when our enemies make small mistakes. While at the same time overlooking the much larger mistakes made by those who are on “our side.”
We may find ourselves getting angry when the political leaders of the other party misbehave. While being completely unable or unwilling to see the same faults in the leaders of our own political party. For example we might take offense when a candidate for another party says something inappropriate. We may even call for them to apologize. While at the same time brushing off an equally inappropriate comment made by the candidate for our party. Telling ourselves that it was obviously just an honest misstatement.
When we do this, are we holding both candidates to the same standard?
Is it intellectually honest to be offended by the other party’s candidate for doing the same thing that our party’s candidate did? The intellectually honest answer can only be ‘yes,’ if we are also offended by our candidate!
We must hold everyone to the same standards! If we are offended when someone else does something, then we must be equally offended when we do it. If we are offended when those from the other party do something, then we must be equally offended when those from our party do the same thing. Again, (because we can’t say it enough) we must hold everyone to the same standard! Applying the same consequences to all.
When we lie to ourselves by saying that the candidate of the other party had mal-intent. While also telling ourselves that our candidate just misspoke, we become a divider. We become part of the problem that is tearing our communities apart. We allow ourselves to be stirred up in anger, and to irrationality.
If something is wrong, then it is wrong. Regardless of who does it. If something is good, then it is good. Regardless of who does it. We must learn to give people credit for the good they do. Even when they are on the other side. Likewise, we must learn to hold those on our side to the same standard that we hold the other side to when they do something wrong.
Intellectually honest people judge everyone by the same standards!