Being Open Minded And Self-Reflective
Intellectual Honesty
- What Is This Thing You Call Intellectual Honesty?
- Quiz 4
- Examples of Intellectual Honesty 1
- Examples of Intellectual Honesty 2
- Examples of Intellectual Honesty 3
- Examples of Intellectual Honesty 4
- Examples of Intellectual Honesty 5
- Examples of Intellectual Honesty 6
- Examples of Intellectual Honesty 7
- Section Wrap Up
- Assignment 3: Construct A Journal Entry
The Ways We Sometimes Deceive Ourselves
Creating My Own Framework For Intellectual Honesty
Assignment 4: Construct A Journal Entry
Wow my friend! You are nearly there!
Just a few more things to do before you complete this course. These last two assignments are the most difficult because they require a great deal of honesty on your part. Commit to examine yourself with an open mind! You are the only one who will ever read what you write, and you will benefit so much more from a sincere reply than you will from one that is only halfheartedly completed.
Remember, writing things down helps you organize your thoughts, and remember what you have learned.
This is the part where you get to take what we have presented to you, and decide what you agree with and what you disagree with. More importantly, this is where you get to take the things that we have learned, and make them your own. Give them your own spin! Apply them in ways that we hadn’t thought of!
We highly recommend that you not skip this step!
Constructed Journal Entry
Open a blank document somewhere. This can be on Google Drive, on your computer, or anywhere else where you save important files. Construct a private journal entry. Where you will write down some of your thoughts and save them for later. So that you can look at these thoughts again when you complete this course.
Your journal entry should include the following components:
- What lies do you most often tell yourself?
- Think of a time when you have claimed to be a victim when you knew you weren’t. Explain why you did this.
- Think of a time when you accused someone of taking advantage of you, when you were actually the guilty party. Explain why you did this.
- Think of a time when you have applied a different standard to someone you like than you applied to someone you disliked. Explain why you did this.
- Share your feeling about what it means to you to be imperfect. Discuss how you can most effectively and quickly grow and become a better person.
You will not submit this assignment to us. This is just for your own personal records.