Developing Intellectual Honesty

Assignment 5: Construct A Journal Entry

Cue The Band!  Let’s Hear Some High Tempo Celebration Music!

You made it to the final (and most important) assignment.  This is where you put everything together to create your very own personalized framework for how you feel about intellectual honesty!


Take the time to do this step right!


Remember to be thoughtful, open minded, self-reflective.



Constructed Journal Entry


Open a blank document somewhere.  This can be on Google Drive, on your computer, or anywhere else where you save important files.  Construct a private journal entry.  Where you will write down some of your thoughts and save them for later.  So that you can look at these thoughts again when you complete this course.


Your journal entry should include the following components:

  • What is your current understanding of intellectual honesty?
  • Do you think intellectual honesty is important?  Explain your reasons.
  • What are your personal goals when it comes to being honest with yourself?
  • How can these goals help you to grow and to thrive as a human being?



You will not submit this assignment to us.  This is just for your own personal records.