Developing Intellectual Honesty

Section Wrap Up

Remember!  There is no shame in being imperfect!
There is no shame in making mistakes!


We all start our journey in this world completely naked.  With absolutely no skills or abilities.  The only way you move from your infantile state towards perfection is by passing through a lot of mistakes, and learning from them!


An intellectually honest person will grow a hundred times faster than a person who lies to themselves.  The person who self-gaslights makes very little progress in life, because they never face up to their own shortcomings.  How sad for them!  How truly sad!


The intellectually honest person embraces their own imperfection!  They say to themselves “well gosh darn it, I messed up again!  Mistake #11,876,413 is officially on the books!  What am I going to learn from my latest stupid blunder!


Don’t be ashamed that you are imperfect.  Face it head on!  Tell yourself the truth!  Openly examine your own mistakes and faults!  Be willing to grow!