Create / Join A Unitist Club

Become part of the Unitist Movement! Consider starting your own Unitist club, group, book club, online group, etc.  For now, we are not yet setup to have your club be officially recognized by us, but that is coming in the near future.  When that happens, we will help you promote your club on our website.

The important thing is that your group is meeting and interacting with each other.

Possible Goals For Your Organization Might Include:

  • Meeting together to socialize and to create friendships that extend across all political, social, ethnic, and economic boundaries.
  • Discuss different view points in a judgement free way, with the goal being to understand and appreciate one another.
  • Do community service projects together.  Nothing brings people together more than serving side by side.
  • Read books together that explore different points of view.
  • Study intellectual honesty, empathy, spiritual, and scientific sources in an effort to become more balanced as individuals and as a group.
  • Teach community courses on the topics discussed on this website as well as other websites.  Help your neighbors join your community of understanding!  (Resources for this will be coming soon on our website)
  • Offer assemblies to local schools where members of your club present on the importance of intellectual honesty, compassion, respect, and so forth.  (Resources for this will be coming soon on our website)