
There are two ways to volunteer:

  1. Become A Community Organizer
    One of the most important needs right now are community organizers.  This project is being built bootstrap style.  Meaning that we are building it from the ground up.  We desperately need volunteers to help us reach more people and get our message of love, empathy, and unity out to them.  Volunteers will email organizations, such as churches, clubs, and groups, and invite them to share our courses and articles with their members, as well as to co-brand our courses, or link to our website directly.  Become A Community Organizer
  2. Start A Club, Reading Group, Discussion Group, Etc
    This can be either online or in person.  Bring people of different views together to discuss issues.  Focus on celebrating the strengths of others, and on looking for common ground.  Read more about starting a club.