I often read for the sake of learning.


I enjoy learning.


I regularly look things up that I don’t understand.


I spend a portion of each day pursuing knowledge.


I make lists of things I want to learn about later.


My daily routine includes studying.


When it comes to learning I am self motivated.


It is important to me to understand how things work.


I am intelligent.


Knowledge is highly valued to me.


I often do not understand what others are saying.


I do not enjoy learning.


My current level of knowledge is sufficient to get me through the rest of my life.


I am too busy to spend time studying.


It doesn’t bother me when people talk about things that I don’t understand.


It is hard for me to motivate myself to learn new things.


I am not very smart.


I spend very little time studying, reading, or learning.


I only study when I have to.


Learning new things does not interest me at this stage in my life.


It is important to be true to your own values.


My values matter more to me than my success.


Taking shortcuts is usually a bad idea.


I follow the advice I give to others.


I am consistent, even when others are not watching.


When pressed, I stand by my reasons for a decision.


I can usually articulate my reasons for a decision.


I am consistent.


I don’t mind acting in ways that might make me unpopular.


Popularity is less important than being true to myself.


Creating change is more important to me than how I accomplish that change.


Sometimes you have to tell white lies in order to motivate people.


Taking shortcuts is okay if it yields the results I want.


I frequently do things that I tell others not to do.


I can easily fool other people.


I can read others and am good at manipulating them.


It is okay to be inconsistent if it leads to the outcomes I am seeking.


I often follow the crowd and feel uncomfortable going against what the group values.


Popularity is very important to me.


The opinions of others about myself, greatly influence my decisions.


I read scientific studies, journals, or articles.


I trust scientific sources.


Fully understanding the Universe requires doing scientific research.


I have a high level of scientific knowledge.


Science will eventually help solve most of the problems that the world faces.


It is important to listen to the advice of qualified experts.


Scientists are a good source of dependable information.


Experts are usually trustworthy.


Scientific research is usually unbiased.


Science has helped me learn a great deal about the world around me.


I believe in a power greater than what can be understood by science alone.


I have learned great truths from spiritual leaders, either past or present.


I have a priest, rabbi, or other spiritual leader who I trust.


I have found truth through meditation.


I meditate, ponder, or pray on a regular basis.


Understanding the Universe requires faith.


Valuable knowledge and important truths can be found in the teachings of spiritual leaders.


I do not need to see something to believe it.


I believe in a supreme being.


I believe there is more to existence than just this life.


I often provide others with a shoulder to cry on.


I experience sympathetic emotions on behalf of others.


I have been told that I am a good listener.


Empathy towards others is important.


I can usually tell what other people are feeling.


It matters to me that other people feel validated and important.


It is hard for me to see suffering.


When I see suffering, I feel obligated to help.


The best solutions to a problem account for how it will impact other people.


I put the health and emotions of others above economic concerns.


Logic can be used to unravel most problems and find solutions.


A good solution to a problem should always be built on logic.


Logic is absolute.


Truth is absolute.


I expect others to back up their opinions with facts and evidence.


Facts don’t care about your feelings.


I am good at balancing a bank account.


Good arguments are built on logic, math, and commonsense.


All problems can be solved using common sense.


Opinions are meaningless unless supported by facts.